

The 2017 International Cagiva Elefant Meeting will be held in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, located in the center of western Europe and bordered by Belgium to the west and north, Germany to the east, and France to the south.

(*) The input for this text is based on:


The official portal of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Gemeng Fiels

Site officiel de l'Office Regional du Tourisme Mullerthal-Petite Suisse

Site officiel sur la randonnée phare de la région de 110 km

Site officiel de l’Office National de Tourisme

Syndicat d'Initiative et du Tourisme Larochette asbl

Pictures: Von Zinneke - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Int. Cagiva Elefant Meeting 2017

Total Inscriptions


Int. Cagiva Elefant Meeting 2017

Official Event Review: